V8 JavaScript engine is an open-source project created by Google that is written in C++ and used for the execution of JavaScript code. It is the engine behind popular browsers like Google Chrome and Opera, as well as the server-side runtime environment Node.js.

One of the defining features of V8 is its speed and efficiency in running complex JavaScript code. It accomplishes this by compiling code in real-time through a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, which translates JavaScript into native machine code. This allows for faster execution times and a better overall user experience.

Another unique aspect of V8 is its implementation of a garbage collection feature that automatically frees up memory that is no longer being used by the code. This improves the stability and reliability of the engine, as well as making it more suitable for applications that require a large amount of dynamic memory allocation.

In addition to its performance and stability benefits, V8 is also highly customizable. Developers can use it in a wide range of applications, including browser extensions, command-line interfaces, and even desktop and mobile apps.

Overall, V8 JavaScript engine is a powerful and versatile tool that continues to evolve and improve. Its impact can be felt throughout the world of web development and beyond, and it is likely to remain an essential component of modern software development for years to come.