«St» is an abbreviation commonly used in English, usually seen in formal writing such as addresses, titles and dates.

When used in addresses, «st» stands for «street». For example, «123 Main St.» would mean «123 Main Street». This is often used in mailing addresses and in giving directions.

In titles, «st» is an abbreviation for «saint». For example, «St. Thomas Aquinas» refers to the Catholic philosopher and theologian.

In dates, «st» is an ordinal indicator and is used to denote the «first». For example, «July 1st» means «July 1st». This is often used in formal settings such as invitations, announcements and legal documents.

In conclusion, «st» is a commonly used abbreviation in English that has different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.

Title: Understanding the meaning of «st» in English
Description: «St» is an abbreviation commonly used in English that can have different meanings depending on the context. This article aims to explain the different uses of «st» in addresses, titles, and dates.